2 Quick Ways to Find WiFi Password on Mac (Step-by-Step)

“Hey, can I have your Wifi password?”
“Yeah sure, it’s… umm…”

Sound familiar? Well, if you are like me and often invite your friends over, you know that the very first thing they’ll ask isn’t where the bathroom is, but for the WiFi password.

Sometimes, you just have so many passwords to remember that there is simply no more space in your mind for your Wifi password. Usually, the password can be found on your Wifi router, but that often requires digging into that dusty hidden corner to find the device.

Well, guess what? Today, I am going to show you two ways to find the Wifi password on your Mac without crawling under your desk to look for the router.

Note: this guide is for Mac users. If you are on a PC, see how to view saved Wi-Fi password on Windows. Some screenshots below are blurred for the purpose of privacy.

Method 1: Keychain Access on Mac

Keychain Access is a macOS app that stores all your passwords so that you don’t have to remember them. If you know your Mac’s administrator password, then you can view your Wifi password, which is automatically stored in Nøglering.

Step 1: Launch Keychain.

First, open the Keychain app. You can launch it through Spotlight Søg.

Step 2: Go to Passwords.

Klik på System, og klik derefter på Nulstilling/ændring af adgangskoder under Categories.

Locate the name of the network you want to access and open it.

Step 3: Click Show Password.

Step 4: Authenticate.

You’ll be prompted for authentication. Simply fill in your Username and Password.

If you’re not sure what your Username is, you can locate it by clicking on the Apple icon on the top-left of your screen.

Step 5: View and Show Password.

Your password can be viewed in the box beside the “Show Password” button.

Method 2: Terminal on Mac

terminal is a built-in app on your Mac that allows you to control your Mac using command prompts. This method is for those of you who prefer a direct solution and know the exact name of the Wifi network in question.

Step 1: Launch Terminal.

First, launch Terminal using Spotlight-søgning.

Step 2: Type Command.

Key in the following command:

sikkerhed find-generisk-adgangskode -ga WIFI NAVN | grep “password:”

Replace the WIFI NAME section with the exact name of the network you want the password for.

Step 3: Authenticate.

Når du har indtastet kommandoen korrekt, bliver du bedt om at indtaste dit brugernavn og din adgangskode.

Som nævnt før, hvis du ikke er sikker på, hvad dit brugernavn er, skal du blot klikke på Apple-ikonet i øverste venstre hjørne af din skærm.

Trin 4: Adgangskode vises.

Når du har godkendt, vil din adgangskode blive vist lige under den kommando, du tidligere har indtastet.

Nu behøver du ikke længere at tage den lange gåtur til routeren.

Tip: Brug en Password Manager

Hvis du oplever at glemme din Wifi-adgangskode hele tiden, og selv de to ovenstående metoder er et besvær, er her en anbefaling:

Brug en tredjepart Mac password manager!

Tredjeparts apps til adgangskodeadministration husker dine adgangskoder for dig, så du ikke behøver det. Det er ligesom nøglering, men nogle adgangskodeapplikationer tilbyder yderligere funktioner, du ikke finder i nøglering.

En sådan app er 1Password. Som navnet indikerer, har du bogstaveligt talt kun brug for en hovedadgangskode. Alle andre adgangskoder er gemt i den.

Andre gode alternativer, som vi har gennemgået, er LastPass og Dashlane.

Det er alt! Jeg håber, du har fundet denne artikel nyttig.

Nu behøver du ikke længere at kravle til det støvede hjørne, hvor din internetrouter er placeret, hver gang dine venner kommer forbi. Du skal blot finde adgangskoden manuelt på din Mac-computer eller outsource den og få tredjepartssoftware til at gøre det for dig.